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PRESS MESSAGE: 22-03-2004 IFSA (International Federation of Strenght Athletes)

Today during IFSA meeting in Budapest between IFSA directors, Marcel Mostert (Holland) and Ilkka Kinnunen (Finnland), and Hungarian IFSA, Laszlo Fekete there has been formed an agreement with Adam Darazs for a long term fusion in competing and organizing competitions in Strongman Sport. All parties have agreed as follows.

Laszlo Fekete is planning to stop his active career in the worlwide competitions whereas he only will compete in several Team competitions in Hungary. On other national-international competitions, Laszlo will be present as the official from IFSA or else in organizing matters. IFSA honours Laszlo Fekete for his active career for the past 20 years where he has shown his strenght to beat the best athletes of the world. His capabilities and power in Strongman Sport was also shown in 1994 and 1996 where he has beaten the complete top 10 of the world, including the former 4 times World Strongest Man : Megnus ver Megnussen from Iceland, in the contest in Hungary called then: World Strongest Man. Adam Darazs says he hopes now to achieve the same honourable performances as Laszlo in the coming future. He will follow up Laszlo Fekete as an ambassador of Strongman Sport together with another great Strongman Tibor Meszaros, also present in this meeting, and more well known as the record holder in "Deadlifting".

These 2 men might beaten some day many worldrecords and also the world record stones of Laszlo Fekete as he is still the "king of stones". However, such records will be only than recognized within presence of an international IFSA referee. Herewith IFSA, Adam Darazs and Tibor Meszaros thanks Laszlo Fekete for his loyalty of the past 20 years building up Strongman Sport in Hungary. A new Strongman road will start from today, with Adam Darazs and Tibor Meszaros as the coming future, whereas the main goal from all parties will be to make Strongman a big solid Sport. In June there will be the official Hungary Strongest Man by IFSA, open for all athletes in Hungary. The winner will go to Champions Trophy where he further can prove if he is strong enough for the Worlds Strongest Man competitions. IFSA International hopes to have great Strongman again from Hungary in the future. With Adam Darazs and Tibor Meszaros this goal might be succesfull. (Hereby signed by all parties)

Tibor Meszaros   Adam Darazs    Laszlo Fekete    Marcel Mostert (IFSA)   Ilkka Kinnunen (IFSA)

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